Due by April 1

MID AMERICA UNION CONFERENCE | Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries

Application Information

This form is for ASI member ministries within the Mid-America Union to apply for Special Projects Funding. You are invited to apply, however application is no guarantee of funding.


  1. You must have been in successful operation for at least one full year.
  2. You must have a non-profit notification 501(c)3 or comparable document.
  3. Your employees should be working for sacrificial remuneration.
  4. The Board of Directors are not primarily family members.
  5. Ministries that have received funding in the previous year are not eligible to apply for consecutive years.
  6. For consideration, please submit the application to the Mid America Union ASI office by the due date above.
    Applications are considered at a Mid America Union ASI Executive Board meeting.
Funding Application

I. Basic Demographics

II. Financial Status


Write the year and amount in a single line. One line per year.

Financial Plan

Write amount and primary use. One entry per line.


III. Use of Funds

IV. Budget

V. Additional Funding

VI. Background

VII. Board of Directors

VIII. Future